How we started
The idea of Number Train began following Annette’s wish to have a change of career and she knew her next role needed to:
– utilise her skills as a teacher
– involve working with children
– include making maths fun
– have the flexibility to work around her family
After attending several preschool classes with her youngest son, Matthew – gymnastics, interactive story telling sessions, swimming and football each week, she saw how much they helped him to prepare for school.
“Each class was great for many different reasons and I certainly enjoyed them as much as he did!!”
However, over time Annette noticed that although there were many groups on offer, there were very few designed specifically for preschool children and there was nothing for maths!!
And so the cogs started turning … Number Train began in 2017 and she has NOT looked back!
Now in its eighth year, and with four experienced primary school teacher-drivers on board, we are delighted to welcome over 300 children onto the Number Train each week in our ‘parent and child’ and private nursery classes.
We are always delighted to hear parents and nursery staff tell us how Number Train is their favourite class or favourite time of the week and for us, there is nothing more rewarding than hearing this feedback!
We wish to keep spreading this love of maths to young children so if you wish to give your child the same positive start, book a taster session today!